Brian Smeets was born in New York in 1984. After completing degrees in sculpture and environmental studies from Washington University in Saint Louis, he pursued a career in commercial photography in San Francisco, California. His award-winning fine-art images have been shown globally; since moving to Hong Kong completed a Master of Fine Arts with RMIT University. Recently Brian formed a sound art practice in addition to showing photography and multimedia works. He continues to develop pop-up art shows as well as showing his work in the increasingly global art space of Hong Kong and Southeast Asia.
Brian Smeets's project investigates travel destination and their experiential qualities, intending to remove the spectacle of tourism. An alternative view of liminal spaces and travel sites is presented through large scale abstract photography and collections of selected sounds and images.
Brian Smeets,於1984年在紐約出生。在獲得聖路易斯華盛頓大學雕塑與環境研究學位後,他於三藩市從事商業攝影工作。及後,他移居香港完成香港藝術學院與澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學藝術碩士學位課程,而其影像作品亦屢獲殊榮,曾在世界各地展出。除了創作攝影和多媒體作品外,他近期也積極探索聲音藝術與其作品之間的互動。他也致力發展短期藝術展覽,在日益全球化的香港和東南亞藝術空間中展示他的作品。